Posts by Julia Witmer
Reduce, Reuse, Re-label: Environment and Climate Change Canada Release Consultation on Plastics

The Government of Canada has a broad goal of moving toward zero plastic waste. This goal includes requiring at least 50 percent recycled content in plastic packaging by 2030. Environment and Climate Change Canada (“ECCC”), the federal ministry charged with the recycling file, has released two consultations regarding a suite of measures to make some tangible progress towards these targets.

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Canadian Cosmetic Regulations to Receive a Makeover

Health Canada proposes to address the issue by updating the Cosmetic Regulations to disclose certain fragrance allergens on cosmetic labels. Under the proposed regulations, manufacturers will have the option to disclose ingredients on a website for cosmetics sold in small packaging. Health Canada acknowledges that this change will increase costs for industry but is seeking to balance those costs with increased informational transparency for those with sensitivities and allergies.

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Julia Witmer
The Future of Milk Alternatives: Regulating Precision Fermented Plant-Based Beverages in Canada

Any trip that Canadians take to the grocery store reveals that plant-based alternatives to dairy milk have increased in popularity over recent years; what started with soy milk quickly grew into offerings as diverse as chickpea milk or oat milk. And while the public has swiftly adapted to plant-based products, the legal world continues to experience growing pains with the transition; complex, regulatory requirements for dairy labelling, as well as standards of identity, create challenges for anybody seeking to market milk alternatives.

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Julia Witmer