Lawyer and Principal

Contact Information

t: +1(647)638-3994

Glenford's practice focuses on regulatory, administrative, and commercial law, with a specialization in the food industry and advertising and marketing law. He assists clients across the food value chain, from multinational companies to SMEs and non-profits, in navigating regulatory compliance, negotiating permissions, and managing enforcement actions from Health Canada and the CFIA.

Glenford has significant experience:

  • Advising on SFCA compliance and supply chain requirements.

  • Performing detailed substantiation reviews for labeling and advertising claim compliance.

  • Advising clients on issues related to food safety and allergens, including the development of public communication and regulatory management strategies for product recalls and safety incidents.

  • Creating strategy for product positioning as conventional or supplemented foods, natural health products, cosmetics, or drugs.

  • Assessing risk in claims and labeling in relation to class action litigation risk.

  • Representing clients during CFIA inspections, investigations, and other enforcement activities.

An expert in his field, Glenford has taught Canadian Food Law and Regulation at Michigan State University’s College of Law and spoken at various law schools and conferences globally. His interest lies in the intersection of food, technology, and regulation, where he focuses on solving legal challenges for his clients.

Prior to founding G.S. Jameson & Company, Glenford worked at a notable mid-size business law firm in Toronto.

Speaking Engagements

Expanding Beyond NY: Keys to Selling Wine in the U.S. & Canada
New York Wine and Grape Foundation
(New York, NY)


The Route to Market: Navigating Canada’s Alcoholic Beverage Industry
CAFLP Canadian Food Law and Policy Conference: Food Law in the City
(Montréal, QC)


Uncertainty, Risk, and Trust in Times of Uncertainty
Institute of Food Technologists - Intermountain Symposium
(Sun Valley, Idaho)


Demystifying Global Recalls: A Guide to Understanding Recalls
The Canadian Institute, Food Law & Regulation Canada Conference
(Toronto, ON)


Food Law in the Context of Public Health Law
Queen’s University, Faculty of Law
(Kingston, ON)


Preparing for a Food & Beverage Transaction
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium


CPG and Packaging Law: an update for food safety professionals
Annual Canadian Summit on Food Safety
(Toronto, ON)


Redefining the Value of Food
Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Estado de México, Departamento de Derecho
(Ciudad de México, MX)


Plastics Regulation in Canada
Western University, Faculty of Law (London, ON)

Decoding Proposed Plastic Regulations - Navigating Packaging Changes in an Evolving Regulatory Landscape
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium


Health Claims in Food Ad & Marketing
Canadian Institute 30th Annual Advertising and Marketing Law Summit
(Toronto, ON)

Food fraud – from a food science, social science and legal perspective
Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology, CIFST Interface (Mississauga, ON)

What to do when the CFIA comes knocking
The Canadian Institute, Food Law & Regulation Canada Conference
(Toronto, ON)


Recalls Unwrapped: Expert Legal Strategies for Food, Beverage, & CPG Manufacturing
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium

Navigating Recent Changes to Food Law
Ontario Bar Association - Ad & Marketing Law Institute
(Toronto, ON)


Legal Considerations During a Recall
17th Annual Canadian Summit on Food Safety (Strategy Institute)
(Toronto, ON)

Front of Package Labelling in Canada
Georgetown Law School - O’Neill Institute (Washington, DC)

Advertising to Children and Front of Package Labelling (co-presentation with Julia Witmer)
Western University, Faculty of Law (London, ON)

Class Actions in the Agricultural and Food Sector
Colloque National sur l’Action Collectif 2022 (Montréal, QC)

Update on Advertising and Marketing Food in Canada
CAFLP Canadian Food Law in Canada Conference: À Table: Nourishing Hard Conversations in Food Law and Policy (Virtual)

Food Law in Canada: An Update for International Trade Partners
AINIA Centro Technológico, Curso Presencial: Internacionalización y Legislación Alimentaria: Obligados a entenderse. 8ª Ed. (Valencia, ES)

What to Know: Legal Issues in the Food Co-Packing Industry
Alberta Agriculture (Virtual)

Legal Aspects of Co-Packing Relationships
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (Virtual)

An Update on Food Advertising, Marketing and Labelling
Canadian Bar Association (Virtual)

Food Fraud
Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology, CIFST Webinar Series (Virtual)

The Development of Environmental Law in the Food Industry
Ontario Bar Association, Building Communities: Municipal and Environmental Law Institute (Virtual)

Evaluating Structure-Function vs. Health Claims in the Age of COVID-19
The Canadian Institute, 28th Annual Advertising and Marketing Law Conference (Virtual)

Food Law in Canada: An Update for International Trade Partners
AINIA Centro Technológico, Curso Presencial: Internacionalización y Legislación Alimentaria: Obligados a entenderse. 7ª Ed. (Valencia, ES)

An Update on Food Advertising, Marketing, and Labelling Laws
CAFLP Canadian Food Law and Policy Conference: Governing Territorial Food Systems: Legal Obstacles and Opportunities (Virtual)

An Update on Canada’s Food Laws
AINIA Centro Technológico, Curso Presencial: Internacionalización y Legislación Alimentaria: Obligados a entenderse. 6ª Ed. (Valencia, ES)

Food Labelling and Packaging
Canadian Bar Association (Virtual)

Key Legal Issues in Co-packing
Western Economic Diversification Canada and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (Airdrie, AB)

Doing Agribusiness in Canada
1er. Encuentro de agronegocios México-Canadá - Consejo Agroalimentario y FEDE Foods MX (Ciudad de México, MX)

Bootstrapping Quality through Contract: Designing Effective 3rd Party Certifying Bodies
University of Toronto Law School, From Microbes to Multinationals: The Many Scales of Food Law and Policy

Annual Update: Food Advertising, Labelling, and Marketing Law in Canada
University of Toronto Law School, From Microbes to Multinationals: The Many Scales of Food Law and Policy

Death by a Thousand AMPs: The Future of Food Fraud Prosecutions in Canada
US Pharmacopeia (Rockville MD), MoniQA 3rd Annual International Symposium

O Cannabis! The Legalization of Cannabis Edibles, Extracts and Topicals
Osgoode Hall Law School Professional Development

Drafting Better Licensing Agreements
MSU (Lansing, MI) Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection

Bridging the Intersection of Intellectual Property & Regulations in Manufacturing
World IP Day Conference at MSU (Lansing, MI)
Global Food Law Program, MSU International Business Center, and MSU's Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection

Developments in Canadian Food Law
AINIA Centro Technológico, Curso Presencial: Internacionalización y Legislación Alimentaria: Obligados a entenderse. 5ª Ed. (Valencia, ES)

Food Law in Canada
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Estado de México, CDMX), Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno (Derecho)

Food Fraud in Canada
(Panel with Gerald Chan and Daniel Libman)

University of Toronto, Faculty of Law

Remarks on the 3rd Annual Conference on Canadian Food Law and Policy
Université Laval, Faculté de droit
Colloque annuel canadien en droit et politique publiques agroalimentaire: Innovations en droit de l’agroalimentaire

Truth and Transparency: Food Laws and Regulations from Farm to Table
Michigan State University, College of Law
Global Food Law Program:
Current Issues Conference


IP Issues in E-Commerce, and Emerging Markets - A Canadian Food Perspective
World IP Day Conference at MSU (Lansing, MI)
Global Food Law Program, MSU International Business Center, and MSU's Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection


Regulating Safe and Healthy Food?
University of Toronto Faculty of Law

Trade and Terroir: Canada's Food Laws and CETA
LUISS Guido Carli (Roma, IT)
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza


The State of Food Law in Canada
University of Chicago Law School

Lunch and Learn with Food Lawyers
McGill Law School

The Social Licence to Operate in Food
Ryerson University Food Innovation Hub

The Sharing Economy (Moderator)
Hospitality and Tourism Management Conference
Ryerson University School of Management

The Chef's Role in Advocating for Policy and Change
Terroir Symposium

AMR Standards in Food Production and Labeling
Ottawa Law Review Symposium
University of Ottawa Faculty of Law

Confidential Business Information in Food Research and Development
Food Starter

The Practice of Food Law
Schulich School of Law

The Social Licence to Operate in Food
Ryerson University Food Innovation Hub

The Sharing Economy (Moderator)
Hospitality and Tourism Management Conference
Ryerson University School of Management

The Chef's Role in Advocating for Policy and Change
Terroir Symposium

AMR Standards in Food Production and Labeling
Ottawa Law Review Symposium
University of Ottawa Faculty of Law

Confidential Business Information in Food Research and Development
Food Starter

The Practice of Food Law
Schulich School of Law

Education and Bar Admission

Dalhousie University
Schulich School of Law
Juris Doctor

Mount Allison University
B.A. (Hons.), History with Minor in Political Science

Law Society of Ontario


Interview: “Only to be Consumed” in Canada
Hyperfixed Podcast

Interview: Top Food Industry Lawyer Glenford Jameson
The Food Professor Podcast

Interview: An American tourist ordered a medium-done burger in Toronto and was shocked when they had to sign a waiver
Yahoo News

Interview: Northern store still sells outlawed energy drink
CTV News

Interview: Prime Energy drinks pulled from Canadian shelves — but how did they even get here?
CBC The National

Interview: Highly caffeinated version of Prime Energy drink shouldn't be sold in Canada, regulator says

Interview: Criminal charges against pharmas over opioid crisis would result only in small fines, Ottawa says

Interview: Helpful advice on sleep aids

Interview: Ontario’s Farm to Fork Initiative Launched to Strengthen Food Supply Chain
The Lawyer’s Daily

Interview: Canada's grocery chains stocked with tomato products connected to Chinese forced labour

Interview: Hard Butter Mystery Riles Canada

Interview: COVID-19 has turned the restaurant industry upside down
The Toronto Star

Interview: Robocrop: Will COVID-19 bring more computers, machines, and robots to Ontario farms?

Interview: Mycotoxins at the bar
Affidia: The Journal of Food Diagnostics

Interview: Battle over vegan cheese label is a freedom of expression issue, lawyers say
Canadian Business Magazine: July 31, 2019

Interview: Canadian officials flagged 900 food items from China with ‘problems’ over 2 years
CBC News: July 14, 2019

Interview: What is ractopamine, the drug at the centre of the China-Canada meat dispute?
CTV News: June 27, 2019

Interview: Canada-China Ban on Pork
CP24 News: June 26, 2019

Interview: Canada-China Ban on Pork
CTV National News Broadcast: June 26, 2019

Interview: Canada’s new food policy aims to improve enforcement
Canadian Lawyer Magazine: June 21, 2019

Interview: Vegan 1.0
Cheftimony Podcast

Interview: Vegan food producer ordered to drop the word ‘cheese’ from its marketing
A. Gill, Globe and Mail: February 17, 2019

Interview: New Canadian Food-Safety Law Could Spell Trouble for Small Producers
Baylen Linnekin at

Interview: The Food Fraud Lawyer
Edible Toronto / Edible Ottawa: Issue 45

Interview: Safe Food for Canadians Act
OMNI TV NEWS Italian Edition (Italiano)

Interview: Label Fail: Apple Juice
CBC Marketplace: November 9, 2018

Interview: Chef Hits Legal Obstacles to Serving Indigenous, Wild Food
Global National News: October 14, 2018

Interview: Health Canada Ban on Partially Hydrogenated Oils
CTV News, Toronto: September 17, 2018

Interview: Ep. 7 - Be Critical, Food Matters
Of Counsel Podcast with Sean Robichaud

Interview: Industry report calls out Ontario for lack of regulation of organic foods
The Lawyer's Daily - LexisNexis (Paywall)

Interview: Ep. 21 - Food Law
Lawyered Podcast

Interview: What's in your Chicken Sandwich?
CBC The National / CBC News Network (live)

Interview: Food Law Pioneers
Hearsay Magazine

Interview: Canada's Food Lawyer
McGill DALA - Lawfully Uncommon

Interview: Ontario supplier charged with mislabelling chicken as organic
Globe and Mail

Interview: Food Law Grows Across Canada
Law Times (Paywall)

Interview: Food Lawyer Glenford Jameson on how the law determines what we eat
Globe and Mail

Interview: Podcasting the Law
Canadian Lawyer Magazine

Interview: Ep 13. / Extrastuffs:
Glenford Jameson and Food Law

Food Stuffs Podcast

Interview: Ep. 6: Secret Recipes
Sui Generis Radio

Interview: Complex rules for home-based food spark need for commercial kitchens
CBC News


Recognition: 2017 Precedent Setter Award
Precedent Magazine

Award: Best Practitioner Blog
Canadian Law Blog Awards (CLAWBIES)

Recognition: Top-10 Legal Podcast in Canada
Law Firm Web Strategy Blog

Award: Best New Blog
Canadian Law Blog Awards (CLAWBIES)