Conflicting Guidance: Importing Finished Products Containing Milk Ingredients India AnnamanthadooDecember 1, 2020food law, health of animals act, health of animals, food lawer, CFIA, dairy, zoosanitary, terrestrial animal products, milk-based, milk, ingredients, import
Mycotoxins at the Bar Glen JamesonNovember 1, 2020food law, food lawyer, mycotoxins, exports, imports, regulatory frameworks, aduleration, pesticides, glyphosate
Glenford interviewed by the Toronto Star on home cooks using Facebook Marketplace Glen JamesonOctober 26, 2020food, law, food law, food regulation, Facebook, home chefs, home cooks, Health Protection and Promotion Act
The Path Forward for Plant-based Protein Names Glen JamesonMay 23, 2019CFIA, labelling, vegan, cheese, misleading, advertising, marketing, beef, Safe Food for Canadians Act, Food and Drugs Act
OMNI TV Interviews Glenford Jameson on Safe Food For Canadians Act and effect of new legislation on recalls Glen JamesonJanuary 24, 2019Safe Food for Canadians Act, Food and Drugs Act, Recalls
CBC Marketplace Interviews Glenford for Investigation into Processed Products Glen JamesonNovember 12, 2018
Third Annual Canadian Food Law and Policy Conference held in Quebec City this Week Glen JamesonSeptember 26, 2018