Posts by Glen Jameson
S2E1: Debra Lawson on Food Recovery

Season Two of Welcome to the Food Court!

For episode one, we're talking Food Recovery. At its simplest, enabling food recovery organizations is a common sense approach to improving the viability of our environmental and economic systems. But it’s a huge task that we often take for granted in Toronto – there are many regions that don’t have the same capacity that Second Harvest has provided for so long. Second Harvest's Debra Lawson and her team are exceptional and adept at seeing what’s happening in our food chain, how it affects people, and how it can be improved.

Second Harvest is an organization that needs no introduction in Canada – it’s the largest food recovery organization in the country. It provides something like 22,000 meals a day to those who are food insecure, and it has since grown to provides meals to kids when they’re not in school and receiving a school breakfast, and Second Harvest also runs harvest kitchens with a view to teaching people cooking skills. is the website where you can find out more, or through Cori MacPhee, who runs @2ndharvestTO – it’s an organization worth your time to learn about and think about the services that it provides.

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Glen Jameson
CFIA Gets Serious About Prosecuting Food Fraud

In July 2014, a three-year investigation by the CFIA into the operations of Mucci International Marketing Inc. and Mucci Pac Ltd. found that $1 Million worth of tomatoes labeled as a “Product of Canada” were, in fact, imported from Mexico. The investigation resulted in charges being laid against these companies as well as two Mucci Farms executives and on June 6, 2016, CFIA issued massive penalties against Mucci Farms: the corporations were convicted and fined $1.2 million and sentenced to three years of probation and the executives were fined $150,000 each and sentenced to three months of probation.  With victim fine surcharges, the total fine meted out could eclipse $1.9 million.

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Episode 8: Law Hour with Daniel Kutcher

On this episode of the podcast, you'll hear me speak alongside food lawyer Dan Kutcher of Cox & Palmer's Summerside, PEI, office at Law Hour, a one-hour lecture each geared at engaging students with presentations by guest speakers about current legal issues, at Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Because Dan's practice is in PEI, his is distinctly focused on export markets and international standards for seafood. Dan has worked with Michigan State's Institute for Food Laws and Regulations and has developed an interest in food law at a personal level. We talk about the development of our expertise in food law as being a way to make a better, more useful lawyer for clients.

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